Tuesday, March 31, 2009

scene of discourse [iterations]

dissolving ink
so my two words to describe the scene of discourse is melancholy and dynamic movement.
with the first one i combined a serene landscape with fog and pen ink in water into this photo that appears to be i think somewhat haunted, but all of my scenes look somewhat haunted.  the second is snow scenes and a window, these one sort of looks like depression i wanted the tree limbs to provide the movement and the window to set the mood.  the last one is an old abandoned farm house with a tornado behind it. i wanted the tornado to show the movement and the house to represent the mood.

i feel like all my iterations need some work to come up with a final.  i think the mood is best represented in the window scene and the movement is best represented in the ink scene. the old house scene to me looks the most haunted but it tells a story of its own and to me shows this helpless depressed form in the path of destruction with in a deeper sense explains both words. but all in all, they all still need something to make the mood more profound.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

pattern perception

i used the urban painting below to abstract the pattern above.  the task was to create an victorian pattern but i feel in the end it went more towards and native american pattern perhaps because of the color scheme which might look different in grayscale.